About Us

What is the Deakin Open Research Network?

The Deakin Open Research Network is a collection of researchers and research-associated workers at Deakin University. It aims to facilitate the growth of Open practices by bringing together independently motivated and like-minded people, and providing a platform for the sharing of resources.

Not sure if you're an open researcher? Come along to some of our events, or fill in the survey so we can link you up with some local friends.

DORN is inspired by the Open Science Community Utrecht and is a member of the Melbourne Open Research Network

What is Open Science

Open science is a term describing a variety of practices directed at maximising the transparency of research, and ultimately leading to maximisation of public goods. These include: Open Access Publication, Open Data, Open Methodology, Open Source Software, Open educational resources & Open peer review.

Network Members


Mathew Ling

Lecturer in Psychology

Mathew is an Open Science advocate and R evangelist. Keen to help you learn more about computational reproducibility or any other part of open science.


Emily Kothe

Lecturer in Psychology

Emily is a Health Psych. She's quite handy with evidence synthesis, preprints, and reproducible reporting.